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Holistic Counseling

Be held in a space of presence and listening. Increase somatic awareness. Gain insights, and tools to navigate your life journey.

About Holistic Counseling

What is Holistic Counseling?

Holistic counseling is an integrative approach to therapy that offers a space for self inquiry, exploration, and discovery. It is holistic in that it recognizes the interconnection of the mind, body, and soul as well as the greater family, social, and ecological contexts in which we are a part of. There is an important focus on the body and somatic awareness as part of gaining access to the blocked emotions and trauma stored in the body.

The foundation of an individual session is being held in space of presence and non-judgmental listening that supports spontaneous unfolding of what is needed to be seen and supported in this moment.

In this school of life we are here to learn and grow from all that we experience. There are times in life when we need support to see more clearly, gain new perspectives, and access our own inner wisdom and power. Counseling sessions offer you this space, support, and guidance to navigate both your inner and outer experience towards balance and well being.

Pricing & Session Frequency

Just as we don’t go to the gym just one time and expect results, sincere inner work requires consistent attention and dedication. The process of unraveling old patterns and revealing new possibilities for your life unfolds over time and has it’s own timing.


My experience is that it is best to make a personal commitment to a series of sessions, however I leave it in your hands to determine what is best for you.


That said, during our first session, we can make a therapeutic plan together that is best suited to your needs and desires at this time. Clients often commit to a series of 6 or 10 sessions and then reassess, while others come regularly for years as part of their ongoing spiritual journey.

Single Session - 75 min

120 €

A somatic approach as a key element of Holistic Counseling

The word "somatic" originates from the Greek word "soma" (σῶμα), which means "body." Holistic Counseling has a somatic-or body centered- focus, attending to physical sensations and bodily experience as a crucial part of the therapeutic process.

It is now widely recognized in the scientific literature that trauma and emotional distress are not only mental experiences. They register within our bodies on a cellular level can have debilitating effects creating a whole range of physical symptoms and health problems. These are often not effectively addressed using talk therapy only.


Some essential benefits of a somatic approach:

Enhanced Emotional Regulation: By focusing on physical sensations, somatic therapy teaches individuals to become more attuned to their body's signals. This increased body awareness can improve emotional regulation, helping people to better manage stress, anxiety, and other intense emotions.

Trauma Resolution: Traditional talk therapies may not fully address the physical manifestations of trauma. Somatic therapy specifically targets these bodily experiences, which can lead to more effective trauma resolution and reducing the impact on daily life.

Immediate Relief: Somatic techniques often provide immediate physical and emotional relief. Practices like resourcing and titration can quickly bring about a sense of calm and safety, which can be particularly beneficial in moments of acute distress.

Empowerment and Agency: Somatic therapy empowers individuals by giving them tools to understand and influence their physical and emotional states. This sense of control and agency is crucial for those who have experienced trauma, as it helps to rebuild trust in themselves and their ability to cope with future challenges.

Improved Physical Health: Emotional and psychological distress often manifest as physical symptoms, such as tension, pain, or gastrointestinal issues. Addressing the somatic aspects of trauma and stress can also lead to improvements in physical health, contributing to overall well-being.

Somatics explained

Is Holistic Counseling right for you?

If you're feeling overwhelmed by stress, anxiety, or the lingering effects of past traumas, you're not alone. Or perhaps you are in a period of spiritual growth and expansion that is asking you to see and release limiting beliefs to continue your inner development. Together we will explore the rich landscape of your mind-body connection, uncovering insights and understandings that point the way to healing and growth. Whether you're looking to release tension and stress, deepen self-understanding, or cultivate a more fulfilling life, I am here to support you on your path.

Some common reasons why you might want to consider Holistic Counseling:

  • Address past trauma and current trauma related symptoms

  • Improving mental and emotional health: anxiety, depression, moodiness, anger, fear, stress, low self-esteem, feelings of unworthiness

  • Explore the psycho-spiritual roots of physical symptoms and illness

  • Improve relationship with your body, body image, aging process

  • Navigate a time of transition: breakups, birth or death, midlife, peri-menopause/menopause, moving, career changes

  • Relationship issues: conflicts, co-dependence, boundaries, infidelity, attachment issues, family of origin issues

  • Deepening of your spiritual journey through integration of psychological aspects of self and increased somatic awareness

  • Feeling stuck in a certain role or level in life with a desire for freedom and expansion into greater joy, abundance,

  • As an aspect of your self care journey

What are the potential outcomes of Holistic Counseling?

Increased sense of inner peace and resilience

Awareness of yourself, your emotions, thoughts and bodily sensations is the basis of being able to identify and respond effectively to your needs. As you learn to draw from your own inner resources and intuition, a sense of empowerment, inner peace, and resilience grows, knowing you have within what is needed to respond to life’s inevitable stresses and challenges.

Greater understanding of the bio-psycho-spiritual being you are

Psycho-education is a sorely missed part of all school and university curriculums and we all suffer from our lack of basic understanding of mental and emotional health, such as: the various parts of the psyche, the role and formation of the personality, the Self, inner judge, inner child, and nervous system regulation, etc. With a psycho-spiritual map in hand, we are able to make effective choices to support ourselves moment to moment.

Burdens to Blessings

You have the power to rewrite the story of your life in a generative way that brings value and meaning to what you struggle with and find the gifts and treasure that are hidden there-within. Through shedding light on looping thought patterns and trauma induced meaning making, new narratives of healing, growth, and transformation have space to emerge. This allows us to transmute our difficulties into valuable unique gifts.

Clarity of Purpose and Inspired Action in Life

The fundamental longing in human life is happiness and this comes by being who we authentically are and taking action from this place. Increased awareness of ourselves allows us to release what is not in alignment with our authentic self and move towards what brings us joy, excitement, and the fulfillment of living our purpose and sharing our gifts.

Image by Giulia May

Book your free 15 min intake call here.

Book your call or leave me a message with further questions.

The  journey with Sheila is allowing me to feel and see and learn to harmonize the various facets of myself, also those parts that are the most painful that have finally been welcomed.   Sheila helps me and offers me tools to remain present, to re-find my center when I lose myself, to live ever more in the here and now…..with a loving and compassionate gaze towards the past and with love and trust for myself and what is yet to come.


Working with Sheila, I gradually saw the doors to my deepest self open, and then swing wide open. It was a beautiful and truly transformative discovery (or rediscovery!). I realized that beyond the surface of my being, there is an infinite, authentic world tuned to the natural and harmonious frequencies of nature, prosperity, and love. I also had the opportunity to get to know my body deeply, to connect with it, and to lovingly intervene and help where it was needed. I discovered my flexibility, strength, and balance. I also learned to breathe and to use conscious breathing as an anchor, focus, and grounding. I experienced and learned meditation techniques that have helped and continue to help me every day, opening me up to new experiences and parallel paths of research and study.


The image that pops in my mind when I think of  working with Sheila  is like being outside in nature. Sometimes you feel swept away by an ocean wave, sometimes feeling the warmth of the sunlight, sometimes amazed by the beauty of what you are seeing and discovering,  but in the end, nature is always fair and unbiased. I've never felt judged by her, always felt so safe and sure that even my deepest sharing and confidence will never ever drip out of that room. And that it is crucial to me. She's so prepared and professional and is also always learning and refining her skills.  Recently we started to go into approaching my issues through the work of the family constellations and this has been pure magic. Her intuition, her sensitivity, her presence is such a gift. Thank you Sheila.


Holistic Counseling Testimonials

What client's say

More questions? Get your answers here:

I am unsure if it’s right for me. Could we have a talk before I decide?

It is normal to feel unsure, especially if you don’t know me or if this is your first time doing individual sessions. I offer a free 15 intake call to get to know each other and ask questions before deciding to book a session. 

The sessions are online. What do I need to participate?

A computer or tablet, zoom, and a quiet, private space to be undisturbed for 75 minutes. A link will be sent before the session to connect to the call.

Is it possible to have in person sessions?

I see clients in person in Ficulle, Italy and during retreats and other events. Check the calendar to see where I will be next.

In which languages do you give session?

English and Italian.

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